Saturday, 30 June 2018

Return to the reds

This week I'm back in Wensleydale for a few days of walking and wildlife-watching, including some more visits to see the Snaizeholme red squirrels. Some of these cheeky rodents are extremely chilled around humans and, although the light in the woods is still patchy, I've spent much more time with the squirrels than on my visit in May and got a few more photos as a result.  I also spotted a stoat and some sort of a shrew whilst sitting quietly, but no pictures of those.

On early morning and evening walks I've seen roe deer, hares, a healthy juvenile hedgehog, and hundreds of rabbits (including the quite pale individuals below). I also found what looked like a promising spot for otters on the River Ure, so I'm sure I'll be back to Wensleydale before too long.

Saturday, 26 May 2018

Return of the reds

Today I visited the Widdale Red Squirrel Reserve at Snaizeholme in North Yorkshire, to see the resident squirrels. These reds have spread naturally from the species' stronghold in Cumbria, and now thrive in Widdale thanks to sympathetic landowners who work with the Yorkshire Dales National Park Authority to manage the squirrels' habitat and provide some supplementary food at a designated viewing area.

Although there are lots of reds and they're not afraid of people, it was still difficult to get photos because the squirrels are so hyperactive and the light in the woods can be a challenge, but it's a great place for close encounters with these cute, rusty rodents.